mom and baby in pool safety tips

Essential Pool Safety Tips

Essential Pool Safety Tips Pool safety tips are always important to review each season. Pools are a great way to keep us entertained all year round, however safety is an important factor to consider. Tragically, drowning is the number one cause of unintentional deaths for children between the ages of 1 and 4 and the…

child drownings

Child Drownings How to Stop Them

Child Drownings How to Prevent Them Child drownings is something we really don’t want to hear about at all. We all know how crazy children’s birthday parties can get. Pools are of the most fun features of any amazing party. The kids love it, the parents love it because the kids are tired, and it…

cover or fence your pool

Should you Cover or Fence your pool?

Should you Cover or Fence your pool? Limiting access to your pool is important for everyone, as accidents can happen at any time. Those with children in the home need to be especially vigilant in limiting access when children are unsupervised. There are two main options for limiting access; cover or fence your pool.  …

family having fun - swimming pool safety

Swimming Pool Safety

Swimming Pool Safety Swimming pool safety is important to review often. Our pools are a great way to keep your family entertained year-round, but with it comes the responsibility of making sure it is safe. Pool safety measures are important for everyone, not only those with children in the household. Accidents can happen in minutes…

baby gates to keep kids safe

Baby Gates and Fences What You Need Now

Baby Gates and Fences You didn’t know you Needed Preparing for when your baby starts to move around takes a lot of work. They are curious, clumsy, and will get into just about anything. So, finding the right safety equipment, like baby gates for your home, is essential to keep your baby safe during these…

alligator in swimming pool

What’s in your Swimming Pool?

What’s in your Swimming Pool? Many children fear sharks in the swimming pool. Although this is unlikely to ever be a real problem, here in Florida there is a real threat of what could be lurking in your swimming pool. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to go outside to take a dip in their pool…

solar pool cover

Why you need a Solar Pool Cover

Why you need a Solar Pool Cover Getting a solar pool cover for your pool can seem unnecessary; especially in a climate such as Florida. But, these covers help a lot with both the maintenance and efficiency of your pool. The Florida sun will evaporate a large amount of water from your pool every day.…

father and son with no pool heater

How to Choose the Right Pool Heater

How to Choose the Right Pool Heater Making the decision to add a heater to your pool can greatly extend the amount of time each year you are able to enjoy using  it. Although here in Florida the temperature doesn’t drop as drastically as other areas of the country, a heater can help maintain a…

COVID-19 in My Swimming Pool

Stop COVID-19 in My Swimming Pool

COVID-19 and My Swimming Pool If My Pool Save from COVID-19? “Can there be COVID-19 in my swimming pool?”, who would have thought before 2020 that you’d as the question. Yes its a year that we will remember for a long time. Many of us have enjoyed projects around the home, cooking meals and cooling…