Swimming Pool Safety Hook
Swimming Pool Safety Hook
Out of the many life preservation tools you should have on hand at the pool, the safety hook is one of the most useful. It is a tool that doesn’t require any real training to use and is highly effective in a variety of situations. Who wouldn’t want to know how to save a life with barely any training? In today’s article, we will be going over what a safety hook is, how to use it properly, and why you should have one on hand for your pool.
What is a safety hook?
A swimming pool safety hook (also sometimes called a shepherd’s crook or a reaching pole) is a long pole connected to a wide hook and it is generally made of aluminum or fiberglass. This pole and hook should be long enough to reach a conscious or unconscious swimmer in the pool, and it is designed to be easy to use without having to be an experienced swimmer or lifeguard.
The length is meant to be 16-ft and it must be one solid length, as a two-part pole may not be able to withstand the weight of pulling a person out of the water and could collapse. These pool safety hooks are durable, lightweight, and must be kept in a highly visible location.
How to properly use a safety hook
Like with any lifesaving tool, you need to know how to use a safety hook correctly. This is for your safety as well as the safety of the person being rescued. Here’s how to properly use the pool safety hook:
- Do a check each day before swimming to ensure that your safety hook is in proper working condition. This means checking for cracks in the pool or hook, making sure that the bolts are firmly in place where the hook piece is attached, etc.
- When using the safety hook, be sure to have a solid stance slightly away from the edge of the pool.
- Reach the hook down into the water and past your target. You want to have the hook down in the water to avoid any chances of hitting the rescue in the face. It’s a long pole and you may not be able to hold it 100% steady outside of the water.
- Turn the hook once it is behind your target so that it goes around them. Aim for their back below their armpits to be safe.
- Pull them gently but slowly all the way to the wall of the pool. Make sure to stop before they hit the wall, though.
- Laying down at the edge of the pool, reach in and retrieve them and check to see if first aid is needed.
Why to invest in a safety hook for your pool?
While safety hooks are part of the required safety tools at public pools, you can easily get one online to have on hand for your home pool. Just like at any public pool, a safety hook can be used by anyone in case of an emergency. This makes it a perfect tool to have at home, as any family member can save a life with it. Be sure you keep it in easy view and reaching distance, and you’ll have another great lifesaving device on hand.
Pool safety hooks are meant to be easily found and used by bystanders and lifeguards alike, so investing in one will be one of the wisest choices you can make if you have a pool at home. Of course the most important safety item is your pool fence. We manufacture and sell the best pool safety fence in the world. Give yourself peace of mind, knowing you have this extra layer of protection. Keep your family prepared and safe and come back to us with any more pool questions you may have!